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Tri-M hosts iPod and iPhone drive to bring awareness to memory-related disorders


Metea’s Tri-M society is currently hosting an iPod/iPhone drive through an organization called Music in Our Memories so that students can deliver their old (but functioning) technology to people with conditions that affect their memory. Their goal is to collect 100 iPods/iPhones to provide resources for people to reconnect with their past. The deadline is Feb. 28, but may be extended through the rest of the week. There’s a collection box in the music hallway and by the choir room to donate the iPods and iPhones.

“The idea of this kind of stems from a TEDx Talk that Mr. Staley, who’s the former Fine Arts department chair at Neuqua, did, and it’s about helping out patients with memory loss. Scientific research has identified that music is the last thing to go in the brain, so what they’re trying to do is create playlists of songs they liked from their youth so that it rekindles their memories and enable them to interact through music,” band teacher Josh Kaminsky said.

Not only does this drive help people in the DuPage County, but it also has an effect on the Metea community, as a lot of these issues affect Mustangs.

“A lot of students here at Metea have family members who have dementia so we’re hoping this raises awareness [of] them and reconnects with their own families and inspires them to create their own playlists,” choir teacher Paulette Boddy said.

By providing people with these resources, the hopes are that by reconnecting with their memories, they ultimately able to reconnect with their own families.

“Small impacts like these sometimes go unnoticed, but I really think it’s special. It’s hard to imagine not being able to remember things from one’s past. The officers and myself have been working hard to make the drive known, and are really happy to see it paying off,” Tri-M president and senior Claire Samojedny said.

The Tri-M Society is very excited to participate in the event, and wants to encourage everybody to take part in it.

“It’s really amazing what the work they’re doing is, and I’m so proud that we get to help,” Tri-M band spokesperson and junior Tyler Burleyson said.

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About the Contributor
Zainie Qureshi
Zainie Qureshi, Metea Media Editor-in-Chief
This is Zainie's third year on staff and she is Metea Media's current Editor-in-Chief. Frankly, she loves too many things and is unable to list them all. Find her in the music hall, the news room, and tripping over her shoelaces on the way to class. Not to mention various other locations around the school, including the whiteboard of the band room and the floor of the tech shop, where her instagram/twitter handle (@crazyzainiee) is painted on the floor. She's also the only one who finds her jokes amusing, but she's okay with that.

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  • I

    IT'S NOT A PHASE MOMFeb 24, 2017 at 10:14 am

    What about android devices?

  • C

    ChromaFeb 24, 2017 at 8:36 am

    This is a pretty neat initiative, but I feel like the collection box should be in a less remote location. There are numerous students who never even go into that wing of the school; Some students lack even the spare time to go there before or after school. Other, this is pretty neat :^ )

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Tri-M hosts iPod and iPhone drive to bring awareness to memory-related disorders